Published 11.30.2005 by Christopher Martin. 
The Japanese launch of the 360 is facing tough times. Dead or Alive 4 has been pushed back a week, and the already delayed Enchant Arm won't be making it until January no matter where you are in the world. So, the Japanese's favourite genres of fighting and RPGs aren't supported on the 360 launch... in fact, only six games are. Perfect Dark Zero, Ridge Racer 6, Every Party, Tetris, FIFA 06, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. This puts an obvious question and concern into most gamers heads everywhere...
Where the HELL is our Tetris for the 360?!

"With my pulling shirt on, there's no stopping me." ~ Master Chafe
If I could portray fatigue in this post for a minute, then that would be great. Every other post on NewsNow is about faulty Xbox 360's - how a fraction of them are faulty, and how that Microsoft Woman says that you'd expect a small number to be flawed on this large-scale launch. Well, that's great - but it just seems to have been blown out of all proportion. It's like one of those small penis rumours your bird spreads about you after a really bad night. We've all had them. Right?
But seriously.
She did spread rumours. I can't be the only one. Surely?
So. Is anybody else tired of these faulty Xbox posts? Has anybody in the USA actually got a working Xbox? It seems, at the moment, that they're all overheating / crashing. MasterChafe wants to unearth the truth, and put those nasty cynics to rest. MasterChafe would also like to hunt down that rumour spreading bitch, but we'll just have to take things one step at a time. Comment - for the sake of the Chafe!

Australia rules. Not only is it home to that heroic, passionate, enthusiastic star Steven Irwin, and girls with really nice accents, they also hate 50 Cent. This Christmas, 50 Cent Bulletproof won't be making Australian shelves. Too much gore, too much guts, plus its not very good. I'd move to Australia if it weren't for those toilet dwelling funnel web spiders, that have a venomous bite.
Not only that, but Australia won't be receiving any faulty Xbox 360's on their launch. They're getting it three months later than the rest of us, but to me, it makes perfect sense. No shortage, no faults. Good ol' Australia.
Tired of continually losing to a better opponent? Sick of getting bullied for stealing your 'so-called' friends kill? Worn out from having to fetch drinks because you lost? Feeling like a loser? Losing like a loser? Generally losing to other losers?
Then you need Master Chafes GAMING STERIODS.
Master Chafe guarantees that, after taking the Gaming Steroids for a mere four weeks, along with eating lots and lots of hamburgers and fries, you start to beef up out of all proportion. After the sixth week of this diet, you'll never lose another game again. Master Chafes GAMING STERIODS uses a patented 'fat into muscle' steroid technique. When you're muscle, if you lose another match of Perfect Dark Zero, you can simply put the wireless controller down, flex your newly acquired gaming muscle, and scare nine gaming bells of shit out of your opponent.
"There's always an easy way to winning" said Master Chafe in a recent statement "And I'm always there to find out just what it is." He continued "So with the help of my Gaming Steroids, LAN parties or brotherly multiplayer sessions needn't be the bind it always was."
Coming soon; Master Chafes Garry Glitter Voice Mask - to scare those cocky twelve year old kids out of your LIVE game.
Master Chafes Gaming Steroids only available in Mexico for a limited time only. To be taken with hamburgers, fries, and a pinch of salt.

What a bargain. Around 26 quid, or 45 dollars for Need For Speed Most Wanted plus a packet of Bacon from ASDA stores. You could even go all out and buy two pizzas on the two for 3 pounds promotion, and it would only come to the 30 pounds region. If you don't want any food, the game alone, Need for Speed Most Wanted in this instance, which will be available from midnight, will cost you just under 25 pounds. Go to GAME and you'll be paying a tenner more than that. Of course, shops that specialise in games are shaking their fists, but ASDA is wanting to expand into territories that aren't necessary edible. Saying that, i bet someone, somewhere, at this very moment in time, is trying to eat a copy of
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! So there you have it. Buy from ASDA, and essentially get a tenners worth of groceries free, or buy from those unfriendly folks at GAME and get laughed at on your way out. On the other hand, I'm sure Gamestation will be doing some good deals to retaliate. Master Chafe wasn't around to comment at the time of going to press.
Published 11.22.2005 by Christopher Martin. 

Employees from Nintendo all gathered up today (the 22nd) and donated around $10,000 and 18,655 pounds of food to the Notthwest Harvest hunger-relief holiday food drive.
Employees split up into seperate groups and competed against each other in the spirit of friendly competition. Each team would attempt to outdo the other in order to reach a higher donation. This is something Nintendo does each year and this year was particularly important to them, with all the natural (and not-so-natural) disasters happening around the world; Nintendo felt a strong urge to do what they can to make sure some families had a Merry Christmas this year.
Oh yeah, and the 360 came out today in America.

Our parent site, AceGamez.co.uk, has just published their new Xbox 360 Q&A titled "All 360 Degrees". It answers plenty of questions about the 360 - ones you may be having trouble getting answers for. Such as if the Steel Battallion controller work with it, or the Dance Mats; It's got all the answers. This also marks AceGamez first step into extensive 360 coverage which will go right into the launch. Check it out here:
http://www.acegamez.co.uk/reviews_xbox/Xbox_360.htmWe've also just launched a DVD review section on the site, too, to match our continuing coverage of UMDs. Check back for a very touching farewell tribute feature to the original Xbox soon as well, titled 'Shutting Down: A Tribute to the Xbox'. Bring your tissues!

"Not only am i devilishly good looking, i have a Premium Pack guaranteed for launch - some people would call that luck, but this type of luck comes as standard for a Chafe. My secret? Well, i don't play World of Warcraft. Things tend to fall into place when you're not sat in front of the computer levelling up your orc you know!" ~ Master Chafe.
At the Gamestation I'm working at, today, we were taking GUARANTEED Core Pack pre-orders. We have over 100 pre-orders for the lovely Premium pack, but the Core list is near empty. We've been promised 40 Core systems, and this is only a small town. So don't bust your balls in worry over not been able to get a 360 on launch. Simply pre-order a Core pack sharpish before people cotton on - and then buy a HDD for 70 pounds on top if need be. That comes to the Premium Pack price now (210 pounds for Core plus 70 quid for a HDD equals 280 pounds.) - and you're only missing a HD TV Lead (not many people need this anyway) a wireless controller, and a Live Headset. Why not trade in your wired controller towards a wireless one - and then buy a 360 Live Starter Kit with the headset which will grant you a years subscription and give you the headset too. Ok, you'll be spending a few quid more - but it beats foolishly buying one off eBay when you're in the panic-month of December.
If you're buying for kids and you don't manage to get a 360 though, use Santa to your advantage. Unreliable sweaty Santa.
Published 11.10.2005 by Dexter. 

Don't go writing off your 360 chances just yet! Why not pre-order a Japanese 360 from
this website here! Of course, you'd then have to import Japanese games, and stuff - but at least you'll be able to get
Ridge Racer 6 fisrt! Food for thought.
If you haven't already - tell us what lengths you would go to for an Xbox 360 at launch, our previous post, which can be
located here.

"Just thought i'd rub it in" ~ Master Chafe's Son.
Here at MasterChafe we're asking what lengths would you go to acquire a 360 on launch day - if your pre-order falls through, or if you haven't even pre-ordered, but wish you had have done. Would you pledge thousands of pounds or dollars on eBay? Would you donate money to a gaming charity? Would you even go that extra mile and save somebody's life with one of your organs? Or would you simply make a bold statement by chopping off your penis? We want to know, so leave a comment!

"Granted. Sometimes you should stick to the curry-sheds you know, but you can't go wrong with weblog revamps" ~ Master Chafe.
Using the powers of Photo Shop, Chris has managed to make the banner a little more, well, appealing. And then there's the new IE friendly change, which makes things a little more IE friendly - although, to experience Master Chafe to the fullest, you should consider Mozilla. We hope you enjoy your stay here!
Oh, and at our yocal Gamestation, we are getting 360 Gamepods in for Friday. So get down there, and test one out for yourself!
For once, I just might be 'loving it'.

Nintendo has officially launched nintendowifi.com and with it thousands upon thousands of hotspots across the UK and USA. With no work at all you can walk into various McDonalds, open your DS and have a chat with anybody, or play some Mario Kart DS when it actually comes out.
Nintendowifi.com has all the info on how to get your DS online, which is very interesting when it comes to doing it without the assistance of McDonalds. The USB adapter is not cheap and you'll need to do some extra work to link your DS wirelessly to other, non-partnership wifi connections. But it can still be done - your DS is now ready to go online with any wireless connection and come next week you can grab the USB adapter to take your DS online with the help of a high speed connection through your PC. Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World (PKA Animal Crossing DS and Animal Crossing On The Go), Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, and Metroid Prime Hunters are the first four titles to support online play, but we expect plenty more to come.
Beware the Pictochat. I, personally, don't like poorly drawn penises.

Not exactly... but, everything else may be.
Microsoft has two big announcements for the UK audience today. For one, demo units of the system have launched in stores around the country today that allow gamers to get a taste of what the 360 has to offer.
Secondly, Microsoft announced that chains around the world have now received final builds of multiple launch titles as well as accessories for the machine. This means that, depending on where you go, you may be able to purchase the games and accessories before the system even launches. I can see it now... sitting there, studying the manual for Perfect Dark Zero before you even have the system. You'll be an expert before laying hands on the controller!
It's not confirmed that shops will begin selling the products earlier, but Microsoft doesn't seem to mind: the company thinks it's a good way for the market to get a jump on the 'biggest gaming launch of the decade'. I'd have to agree with that... the time has finally arrived. The old Xbox is being phased out, despite plenty of good games coming, and the 360 arrival is immenent.
News is making way from Australia that the PlayStation 3 may ditch region-encoding alltogether, something handheld units like the Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP have been doing for years.
This essentially means gamers will no longer need mod-chips or slide cards to play imported games from other regions, such as that wacky salad-making simulator from Japan or Shadow of the Colossus from the US' much ahead launch. The idea was brought on by the merging of international TV standards as we enter the high-definition era. There will be a global standard for television, and Sony feels there should be one for their video games, as well.
Interesting news has began to come out recently. Firstly, Nintendo has announced that as of November 25th UK gamers can play their DS online in over 7,500 different locations, including their own home on a wireless network. A USB connection device will also be released (we assume on the same day) that allows you to share your computers connection to play online, assuming you have a broadband connection.
Meanwhile, Sony has revealed that their plan for the PlayStation 3's online system is to not have a plan at all. Like the PS2, it will be up to the publishers to implement all online capabilities, and will not run on a universal system. Take that how you will - personally, I take it as a bullet fired point blank into a foot.

"The rumours about MS faking a shortage are false, so it gets my thumb down" ~ Master Chafe
Published 11.04.2005 by Christopher Martin. 

Some surprising news made headlines today. The doctor ran BioWare corp., creators of already classic games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, have joined forces with Pandemic Studios, creators of classics (in my mind) like Mercenaries, Star Wars Battlefront I & II, Destroy All Humans!, and Full Spectrum Warrior.
What does it mean? Well, don't expect them to stop making the games you

know them for. The two brands will remain seperate identities, but share resources and finances. BioWare can make a new Destroy All Humans! game, or Pandemic can make a sequel to Jade Empire. Or they can collaborate together, say Pandemic can add a unique concept to one of BioWare's RPGs. It's an unlikely team, but brings about some great possibilities - two of the best independant studios around... BioWare has an obvious following and Pandemic shells out great game after great game all year long. May they live happily ever after!