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Master Chafe GUARANTEES you a Xbox 360 on launch!

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"Not only am i devilishly good looking, i have a Premium Pack guaranteed for launch - some people would call that luck, but this type of luck comes as standard for a Chafe. My secret? Well, i don't play World of Warcraft. Things tend to fall into place when you're not sat in front of the computer levelling up your orc you know!" ~ Master Chafe.

At the Gamestation I'm working at, today, we were taking GUARANTEED Core Pack pre-orders. We have over 100 pre-orders for the lovely Premium pack, but the Core list is near empty. We've been promised 40 Core systems, and this is only a small town. So don't bust your balls in worry over not been able to get a 360 on launch. Simply pre-order a Core pack sharpish before people cotton on - and then buy a HDD for 70 pounds on top if need be. That comes to the Premium Pack price now (210 pounds for Core plus 70 quid for a HDD equals 280 pounds.) - and you're only missing a HD TV Lead (not many people need this anyway) a wireless controller, and a Live Headset. Why not trade in your wired controller towards a wireless one - and then buy a 360 Live Starter Kit with the headset which will grant you a years subscription and give you the headset too. Ok, you'll be spending a few quid more - but it beats foolishly buying one off eBay when you're in the panic-month of December.

If you're buying for kids and you don't manage to get a 360 though, use Santa to your advantage. Unreliable sweaty Santa.

There are 2 responses to Master Chafe GUARANTEES you a Xbox 360 on launch!


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I preordered a core pack today, and i've been told i'm getting it on launch. I'm happy now.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I pre ordered a premium pack from LAME.




    ps. GAME is screwed.

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