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Donate a kidney for an Xbox 360?

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"Just thought i'd rub it in" ~ Master Chafe's Son.

Here at MasterChafe we're asking what lengths would you go to acquire a 360 on launch day - if your pre-order falls through, or if you haven't even pre-ordered, but wish you had have done. Would you pledge thousands of pounds or dollars on eBay? Would you donate money to a gaming charity? Would you even go that extra mile and save somebody's life with one of your organs? Or would you simply make a bold statement by chopping off your penis? We want to know, so leave a comment!

There are 4 responses to Donate a kidney for an Xbox 360?


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Lol! I don't think I'd go that far - but i would give around �600 for a premium pack if it comes to that.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    No, not in a million years I would so that. I still prefer the PS3 and Revolution so I will probably not get the Xbox 360. It sucks if you ask me.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Something tells me that they'll be no shortage where PS3's are concerned Wellewierdo. Not allowed to trade your games in, no real online modes, and super expensive games?

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Welleweirdo must be... from the FUTURE!!!

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