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No 360's - why bother advertising? Another hype stunt?

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"We'll be back after this short (!) commercial break" ~ Master Chafe

So yeah. What's the point in Microsoft advertising the Xbox 360 when nobody can bloody get hold of one? Talk about rubbing it in! With all the 360's more or less spoken for before they're even sold, it seems pointless paying all that money for an advertisement that's going to frustrate millions. Unless, of course, there is a bigger picture. That hype card people have been talking about for months now. Fake the shortage, make people want them, let people struggle, and then release a load just before Christmas when people, in all the hype, would be stupid not to buy one (even though there'd be no shortage by this time.) It just makes you think.

So when you go and see King Kong at the cinemas this month, and you're watching the advertisements, and then you see that Xbox 360-effect-rich-expensive-ad, turn your camcorder off, and think about the bigger picture. I'm sure something is going on here, even though its been denied so many times!

Want this bag of sweets kid? Well - tough. You can't have them.

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