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Master Chief takes a giant shit on XP users!
Published 2.11.2006 by Dexter |
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"We used this picture back in November, when we was just as unpopular then as we are now!" ~ Master Chafe.
Some might say that MasterChafe was inspired by Master Chief. Those people might be right, but not anymore. Good old Halo 2, the cult Xbox game, which I still play on my 360 (as there are no good 360 games out yet) is coming to the PC. That's no problem, I couldn't wait for some high-spec-laptop lanning on that game. However, there's a catch, like there always is with Microsoft. You have to have the new operating system, Windows Vista. Considering that XP has only just been perfected (perfected is such a strong, wrong word too) - I'm not switching to Vista, a new OS that will more than likely be hacker prone for a good two years.
Am I wrong to get annoyed?
Computer says yes.
It's not really the Chief's fault, even if he is in on the whole money
making scheme. Halo 3 on the 360 should be good, providing you don't have to buy an 'expansion pack' of sorts.
*MasterChafe would like to add that we really do love Bungie, even if they do keep us poor. This is merely a rough patch in our relationship.*
There is also the "fart in their general direction" method.... Much better you know...