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More good DS games. PSP downhill?
Published 11.28.2005 by Dexter |
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To think that I sold my DS for a PSP. So far, the PSP has been moderately good - Wipeout was fantastic, and GTA Liberty City Stories was amazing. But I might be getting bored of PS2-esq.games on the go. And all of a sudden, it seems as if Sony is focusing on UMD movies. I don't want movies! Look at this new RPG for the DS which is coming out soon. Rune Factory, its called. And it looks bloody fantastic. It seems like as soon as I got rid of the DS, all the good games are coming out for it. Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, and now this in the near future. Just look at it. For a larger look at this magazine scan, click on the picture!
eBay here we come!
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