The Japanese don't 'Ruv' the Xbox 360!
Published 12.12.2005 by Dexter |
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They ruv Nintendo. They ruv Sony. But will they ever ruv Microsoft?

The Xbox 360 didn't do as well in Japan as Microsoft would have liked. Despite that, lots of 360's have gone from the Japanese shelves, but a couple of Core packs still remain over in the land of the rising sun. Is that because there weren't many games available at launch? Maybe it's because the RPG they were promised was pushed back till next year sometime? And the list of Backwards compatible games in Japan is a joke - something like six. Shame really. The other countries would kill for those spare Xbox 360's. The Premium Pack or the Commemoration Pack as it is known over there has proved somewhat popular though. That's because it comes with a free copy of Final Fantasy online, or the beta test of it at least. However, if you're still wanting a Xbox, and you're willing to import, just get one
from here. Give a Japanese Xbox 360 a Ruvving home.
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