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Bill Gates makes some CHAV rich.

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"Me and ma homies iz going to sell dis 360 on eBay!" ~Chafe and da Chav's

Sure, Bill Gates has enough money to do a lot of things, but you wouldn't think he'd be so generous as to buy a Chav a brand new set of Helly Hanson clothes, and an expensive cap to boot, with enough money left for 'a round of beer' for 24 hours, seeing as that's been legalised here in the UK now. Of course, I'm talking about the battle between Chav Vs. Gamer - where Chav sleeps outside a gameshop (lets be honest, they're used to roughing it anyway), snaps up a 360, and flogs it on eBay to the real gamers, who didn't get down there in time, ordered from Amazon who cocked up their order, or mislaid their pre-order slip. 850 quid is around the average Premium pack bid now, that's almost triple money for those medalling Chav's. More patient entrepreneur Chav's will hold on to their sealed units and sell them nearer Christmas for an even bigger return. UNLESS Bill puts a stop to this, and releases all those surplus 360's he has held in his worldwide warehouses, which he might do now he knows that he's putting money in other peoples' pockets. Master Chafe would also like to add that he his not a Chav himself, he simply put his life on the line and posed for the picture above, purely for your amusment.

*This is in no way a jealous rant because the courier couldn't find my house on launch day, making me wait until Monday as a result.*

There are 3 responses to Bill Gates makes some CHAV rich.


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Worst 'comedy' games blog ever.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It's not meant to be a 'comedy' games blog. It's a blog, for us to talk about games. With some comedy if we so desire...

    Thanks for your post though... yeah.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Stefan. Sounds like a Chav's name to me.

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