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Merry-Go-Rounds: A Journalist's Favourite Ride!

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Ah, spin. A wonderful tool for journalists to make readers buy into a story. Rumours have been circling all around the web about a redesign for the now very successful Nintendo DS. Suddenly, numerous sites are reporting that Nintendo has denied this. They haven't - they just haven't confirmed it, either. There's a difference.

This Nintendo DS2 mock up by Yannis Bolman has been making the rounds, and even though the buttons would be exposed on the bottom and there seems to beno volume, I'm quite fond of it actually. I doubt it will actually resemble this if the rumours going around are true, however - they state the DS SP, as some have dubbed it, is taking on a mobile phone inspired design. God, I hope not. We don't need another N-Gage.

As it stands Nintendo has neither denied or confirmed the existance of the DS follow up, but have said they're always looking for ways to improve their products. Judging by the current situation with DS sales skyrocketing and the unit being hard to find in certain areas - and the timing of it all - it matches up quite well with the previous release of the GBA SP. Let's stay tuned and see what Nintendo has up their business suits...

There are 5 responses to Merry-Go-Rounds: A Journalist's Favourite Ride!


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "As it stands Nintendo has neither denied or confirmed the existance of the DS"

    That sentance alone has really cheered me up!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    lol - I just noticed I made it sound as if they haven't acknowledged the ORIGINAL DS... fixed :)

    I am really looking forward to seeing what Nintendo is planning though, if anything.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm still waiting for the GBA 2.

    And for the Revolution Controller to be revealed.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I'm wondering what the dolphin will look like.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You heard about the Nintendo Ultra 64? Forget PlayStation man, Sony doesn't belong in the console world.

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