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A Diamond in your Pocket? Blu-Ray on the 360!?

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Some interesting 360 news has been floating around lately. Firstly, the announcement of Xbox Live Diamond, which comes in the form of a actual credit card sized card users carry in their wallet which allows them to get discounts at several stores and food chains, including Sam Goody and Quizno's. From the look of it this is only available for US subscribers at the moment, but that could change if Xbox is able to secure some deals with European chains.

An interesting statement came from Xbox's Peter Moore recently, in which he claimed the Xbox 360 could always support a Blu-Ray add on - similar to the HD-DVD ad on coming soon - if HD-DVD did in fact lose the upcoming format wars which will empty thousands of bank accounts all around the world. An official statement was later released stating it was important to understand the context of the statement, and that Microsoft fully expects to win the format war and has no plans to release a Blu-Ray add on. Typical statement from a corporation basically... the bottom line is if HD-DVD bombs, your 360 likely will come out with a Blu-Ray solution. But that's ONLY if it bombs.

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