"Wishing you all the best this Christmas - I hope you got just what you wanted from my bulging sack. And if you didn't - well, tough tit!" ~ Santa Chafe
This Christmas has being an all-time high for Video Gaming. Loads of kids this year received a DS - I know this from first hand experience. Blue and Pink DS' were popular choices, but when worried mum's panicked at the coloured DS shortage, they snapped up silver Mario Kart packs. Nintendo (Europe) did well with DS sales this year, I'd imagine. Those unwrapping an Xbox 360 this Christmas should consider themselves lucky. But i cringe at the thought of somebody powering up their new Christmas 360 only to see a ring of red fiery light. That'd be a crap Christmas to remember.
But remember. It's not about the gifts. It's about who you spend it with. If you're reading this on Christmas Day then you've completely missed the point of Christmas. Get out there and celebrate with your girl, boy, parents, siblings, friends, or somebody! Santa only comes once a year. Poor guy...
Merry Chafemas!