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Idiots Guide: How to make a Revolution Rumour!

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Pah! Just recently - on NewsNow, and other publications on the web, there have been dozens of Revolution rumours, from boot screens to menu's - all of which look rather amateur to me. From what I've gathered this week, I'm going to try and put together a step by step dummy's guide on how to create the perfect Revolution Rumour. Foolproof. In other words, it will only fool the fools, and are not fools. Fools.

"Step One. Make a fake blog" - This step isn't terribly hard. It's hardly terrible. And it will earn your website lots of hits in the process too - claiming that you have exclusive news on this external rumour blog to show the world. For the purpose of this post, we have created a blog. Which can be found here. Remember. Make sure you CLAIM you have nothing to do with the blog that contains the Revo rumour, or people might SUSS you out!

"Step Two. Coin a fake logo." - Create completely fake logo for a new Nintendo product using unheard of names. For added impact, add random abbreviated letters to give authenticity.

"Step Three. Spread the rumour rumour." - This is the most important one. You have to get this right. Send the fake blog to people with other blogs and publications, and tell them that it's like totally exclusive, and you're doing them a massive favour by letting them use it. Remember to ask them to link back to your website, and tell them to link to the fake blog too. If you get this right, you've hit the nail on the head. For the purpose of this post, we've sent the fake blog to friends of the Media.

"Step Four. Ice the cake with images." - You have a Logo, you have a fake blog, people in the media know about this 'unknown rumour' and are about to report on it. So, it's time to pull everything together to pull everything off. For the purpose of this post, we threw together a couple of potential images - which can mostly be found on the fake blog.

That just about raps up everything. So go forth, and make a Revo Rumour today. Anybody can.



There are 2 responses to Idiots Guide: How to make a Revolution Rumour!


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Lovely cover story on it - just finished reading it. What makes me laugh is that Nintendo Centrum fell for it.


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