PS3 vs. REVOLUTION - Lets Mass Debate!
Published 1.18.2006 by Christopher Martin |
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So, GameSpot has posted a report that claims a Japanese newspaper has quoted Nintendo president Satoru Iwata as confirming the Revolution's speculative 2006 release date. Furthermore, he claims that the Revolution will make a Thanksgiving release in America to get the support of retailers (the day after Thanksgiving arguably being the biggest shopping day of the entire year). No specific date or price was revealed as usual, but Iwata went on to say the console will be affordable.
WARNING: The following sentences contain opinions!
I'm a big fan of the PS2, don't get me wrong - I will buy a PS3 - but I'm growing increasingly irritated with Sony's PS3 plans. Thus far I've seen little strong video footage or info about games (the same could be said about the Revo of course), but we've heard plenty about how they won't be upgrading their online plan and even more about Blu-ray. At least with Nintendo we've got info about the controller and how they plan to upgrade their extensive WiFi system, as well as pricing for it. So far, to me, it seems Sony is more concerned about using the PS3 as a tool to push Blu-ray to success above the Microsoft-backed HD-DVD format and not promoting it as the great gaming machine it should, and probably will be. These are video game consoles first and DVD players second. Let's see some games, let's see some footage, let's see how the controller is supposed to be held!
Nice post Chris! I agree with you. Sony do seem to be focusing too much on 'Blu-Ray' and their quest to make it the mainstream format, to replace the DVD and the new HD-DVD.
Blu-Ray is such a crap name too. DVD rides easy on the tongue.
"I'm off to Blocksbusters to rent out a Blu-Ray"
Who's Ray?
That's true. The mainstream market probably won't even know what Blu-ray is, where as DVD is now a household name my great grandma is familiar with.
I can't wait to try and explain what a Blu-ray is to her and why they needed to rerelease EVERY MOVIE EVER again.
You do know that it is formally known as Blu-Ray DVD? You can still abbreviate it as DVD.
A name is such a stupid thing to get hung up over, rather than the major technological flaws of each format.
However, I also agree that Sony is pushing too hard on the Blu-Ray bandwagon with the PS3.
What hope does HD-DVD have?
But then, Sony could still be bitter about losing the battle of VHS vs. Betamax.
With Sony it feels more and more like there just using the gamer to sell and promote there media, it should be pushed as a gaming system and as you said it probably will be a great one too, I just feel a bit used. At least nintendo and even microsoft try and make our pastime feel like another valid entertainment medium and not a 2nd rate one in which it's only use is to promote the other established medium of movies :(.
A name is dumb to get hung up on, which is why I didn't base the post on it :D
I think Blu-ray actually is a cool name, but I won't be using it to refer to them... I don't even call DVDs by the term 'DVD' now that I think about it actually, I just call them movies, lol.
I'm glad there are people that agree with me about Sony though. I can't wait for the PS3, I just wish they'd start hyping it up as a videogame console again :( Personally, I could careless which format wins in the end as I'll have a way to watch both. It's the people who WON'T get both that will be in trouble. From what I understand, certain studios are picking one format over another? Which would mean certain films will only come out on either HD-DVD OR Blu-ray. Not everyone will have both... I guess the'll have to settle with standard DVDs.
I'm sure I'm just upset that I'll feel compelled to purchase movies I already own again so I can watch them on that big HDTV I don't own. But when I do... :(
To be completely honest - and i think you probably know this by now guys, I aint the biggest fan of the PS3.
Don't get me wrong I have nothing, absolutely nothing against it. I just don't have ANY reason to buy it. Please give me some reason as to why I should buy it, I can't think of a single game I want on it. Even GTA, I know it's going to get backlash but its bored me now, San Andreas was clever, but not addictive.
The Revolution excited me in a way i haven't been excited by a console since i had my SNES. It's just got so many wonderful ideas, while we don't know what the games are like - the pure hope is enough for me to live on.
Plus my shitty 360 is dead, and i've lost faith in anything not manufactured by Nintendo.
Good article anyhoo, love you.
Good old Nintendo :D