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Finally! A reason for me to buy a PSP!

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Just when I made a post proclaiming the excellent additions that the newest GameCube Harvest Moon installment are making to the series, this sprouts up. The official website for a new game called Harvest Moon: Innocent Life has cropped up proclaiming a Japanese release date of April 27th for the first PSP version of the series.

What's awesome is the picture included. A full grown male is depicted riding a small tractor around a large, wide open field. With the additions of wild animals, planting crops outside of your field, and the ability to play as both a male or female in the upcoming Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, one could hope those features would be included in Innocent Life as well.

Unfortunately no UK or US release has been announced, and though you could always import the Japanese version I'm sure it wouldn't be fun trying to figure out how to play without text. We'll keep you posted when news arrives of a PAL or NTSC copy... hopefully this year.

Remind you of anything?

Now we just need an official announcement of the DS version, Harvest Moon: Colobockle Station was it? Rumoured to feature a radio station DJ in the upper corner giving you town updates for Forget-Me-Not Valley (same area Friends of Mineral Town and A Wonderful Life take place in) and live music, the game would, for the first time, also have you deal with a rival farm in the same town! Or was that in Magical Melody... I can't even remember anymore.

There are 4 responses to Finally! A reason for me to buy a PSP!


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is the only reason I'm keeping my PSP.

    Good post!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    THIS is why you want a PSP, THIS is the reason you're keeping your PSP??? Both of you are Gay with a capital G. A full grown man on a tractor indeed. I know a bloke with a farm who is desperate for workers, why don't you guys look him up. I'm sure he'd love to show you all the interactive features of his farm, if you're lucky he might even let you artificialy inseminate one of his cows!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thank you.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow Bobulon. I'll only work for your bloke IF he's gay. Get back to me if he his please, thanks, bye, love you!

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