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WoW. Is there any reason to buy the new expansion?

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I've just saved my life. Well, I've saved it for the eighth time now. I've just unsubscribed from World of Warcraft, see. But I'm not like your average player. I waste my time leveling up every character to level 10, before getting bored, and starting a new one. I can safely say, I've had every single class to the ripe-for-Jackson age of 10. For me, and millions of other casual players who don't sweat their way upto level 60 - is there really any real point to the upcoming WoW expansion; The Burning Crusade?

I mean, what is there? A load of high level content to have you spending more time and money leveling up, and two new races, one for each side. WoW, what an anticlimax. Although this rant might be a little late, with the Burning Crusade almost upon us, I just thought I'd express my view. A view which not many people like, either. But come on. Where are my new classes which I can try to level 10? I had high hopes for this one, but the only people who can benefit from this high-hoped title are those with high-levels, and those who are highly-addicted.

At least you know where you stand with FF XI!

If you're convinced with the new Expansion, click the sauce for the source!

There are 3 responses to WoW. Is there any reason to buy the new expansion?


  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    U arent normal O.O

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    My bitch tells me that every night.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I do indeed

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