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Please Help: Is my Xbox 360 FAULTY?


Calling all tech-heads! I seem to be having a problem with my Xbox 360 - and casting my mind back, I've had this problem since the day I bought it - the 360 launch. A year ago, Perfect Dark Zero, all the textures, well, they were flickering all over the place. It looked horrible, but I just put it down to my crappy TV. Since then, I've purchased a nice Bravia HDTV which supports 60hz flicker rate, and all those nifty HD modes too. The dashboard looks lovely, but all the games I play persist to flicker and ruin my experience. Some games do this more than others though, The Godfather wasn't so bad - but Call of Duty 2, which I only just got around to playing, was pretty dire too. Saints Row, Dead Rising, both bad - but none as bad as Gears of War. Below is a video of Xbox 360's killer app game - if you think you know this fault, please post so I can give Microsoft a piece of my mind over the phone, and at least pretend to know what I'm talking about. Could this be a faulty GPU?

Killer app my eye!

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